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Stay with the Friends of Anaphora

Lise, December 2016


Anaphora…. a few letters that make up Anaphora are enough to evoke the founding base of this emblematic place.

Amba Thomas, without him this place would not be what it has become. He nourishes it with his presence day by day around a close-knit team made up of natives and people of different nationalities.

The letter A rhymes with Love, Friendship, Soul… so many pillars that characterize Anaphora… Love of neighbor, Love of God,

Mutual friendship between the hosts of Anaphora and the entire team that runs Anaphora throughout the year.

The letter O rhymes with Oasis, both figuratively and literally….

Anaphora is a beautiful oasis created from scratch in the heart of a desert and is a source of freshness and life in this oh so arid region.

Getting to Anaphora is a challenge as the road is long and straight before reaching the destination.

A real crossing of the desert before reaching sources of life and plenitude….

I will end this evocation with the letter R: the encounter is everywhere aroused, one leaves transformed from a spiritual stop at Anaphora, the encounter provokes exchanges and of course religious reflection…..

I will not forget the unconditional welcome that characterizes this meeting place... The last day of my stay in Anaphora, when leaving in the night...

The reception team had stood up specially to say goodbye to us and each member of the group was given a small pottery candle made on site, on which was engraved…. Anaphora

I will never forget it…..


Stay December 2016

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