Catherine, stay June 2024
Anaphora is back with the sun! Which our regions have really missed.
I happily shared this time with the children of the "second chance" and I attach some photos to you.
This year the children benefited from real beds (convertible into benches made in Anaphora) and real brick rooms. It is a real little village that takes shape year after year: rooms, toilets/showers, a space for classes and workshops, space for meals, an infirmary, a kitchen in progress.
I was able to see very motivated facilitators and very lively children with a desire to learn.
A big effort has been made to raise awareness of current dangers: drug addiction, social networks, etc.
Lots of laughter, joy, exchanges...
Anaphora is always well attended.
The French (French embassy/institute, etc.) belong to new teams who are gradually coming to the place on weekends.
Daily life always unfolds between reception, education, conferences, the farm, etc.
The announcement of the Franco-Egyptian week was well received by the community and also by some French people from the embassy with whom I had a pleasant exchange.